TATA DOCOMO = 3G = 6gB = 6months---FREE


Mobile Number Portability

Free and Extra Talktime + GPRS

*On-net calls @1p/6sec i.e. effectively 10p/min for next 6 months.

*1000 MB data/month for 3G network for 6 months for all customers.

Mobile Number Portability is the process by which, you can shift to another operator of your choice, but keep your old number. Best is, you don’t have to go through the trouble of informing all your friends & family that your number has changed - it stays the same.

The refreshingly differentland of Tata DOCOMO is just 3 simple steps away. An SMS, a few documents and maximum of 7 days is all it takes for you to come aboard the Tata DOCOMO bandwagon! Switching to Tata DOCOMO will not cause any service interruptions and costs only Rs.19.

AirTel Free 10p/min Booster Pack 3 Months Validity

It's a great trick to use Free Booster Pack for 3 Months in Airtel..

Plan Details :

A-A = 10p/min, A-M = 30/p Validity - 3 months


Just type "PORT " (without quotes) send it to 1900
This message is to change the Network operator by MNP (Mobile Number Portability) temporarily.

Ex: PORT 9876543210 to 1900


After that U'll receive a call from Airtel Customer Care about enquiry for changing the Network operator

U've to say that the tariff plans are very good in other network operators compared to airtel..

So they don’t want to lose their customers, hence they'll activate a free booster pack for 3 months..


They'll ask u to send message to cancel the MNP request that is made by U..

Just type "CNCL PO mobilenumber" to 202

Ex: CNCL PO 9876543210 to 202

That’s it … Ur free Booster Pack will get activated in next 48 working hours..

Enjoy ! ! ! ! !

AirTel 2011 Free GPRS In Mobile

Friends Now Enjoy Free GPRS In AirTel.

Use default Mobile Office setting.

(1) Opera Mini 4.2  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(2) Opera Mini 5.1  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(3) Ucweb 7.0 -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(4) Bolt Browser 1.50  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

NOTE :- Balance should be less than 0.30rs otherwise it will be deduct.
             And Your 0 rental Mobile office plan should be activated if not to
             activate call to customer care.

Tata Docomo 2011 Free GPRS In Mobile

Friends Now enjoy free GPRS in your mobile with TATA DOCOMO.

Use default Tata Docomo Dive In setting.

(1)  Opena Mini 4.2  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(2) Opera Mini 5.1  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(3) Ucweb 6.7   -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(4) Bolt Browser 1.50  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(5) Dive in prov file for s40 v5  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(6) Dive in prov file for s40 v6  -- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

NOTE :- Balance should be more than 1rs. Don't worry it will not deduct.
             Prov file is one of the setting and is work on nokia s40 v5 (3110c, 
             5130xm etc) & v6 (6233, 7210).In symbian phone there is no

Reliance 2011 Free GPRS In Mobile

Enjoy Friends Reliance Free GPRS in you mobile Free.

Download The below software and use it with below proxy setting.

Access Point - Rcomwap/ Rcommms (u can use reliance this default setting)

Manually setting :-

Name - Relince
APN   -smartwap/mms
Proxy  -
Port    - 8080

(1) Opera Mini 4.2 --CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(2) Ppera mini 5.1 --CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.



(5) Bolt Browser 1.50  --CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

(6) Rcomwap Prov File  --CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

NOTE :- Balance should be less than 1rs. otherwise it will be deduct.
             Prov file is one of the setting and is work on nokia s40 v5 (3110c,
             5130xm etc). In Symbian phone there is no requirement. 

Run Trial Software Forever

Using this software you can run your trial software forever.

First download the software.


Now open file and install the software.

 How to use Time Stopper?

Click Desktop Icon (1) to open the Time stopper

Then click Browse button (2) to select software 

Now you will get this window

Then select main exe of try-out version & open it.

Normally software install in program files folder.

For open it click my computer, click C drive, click program files folder and finally click software folder (total video converter).

select main exe (tvc)

(Normally main exe create desktop or start menu icon)

Click "choose the new date" comb box and set date as your wish.

Assume total video converter install 2009 may 1st. today is 2009 may 3rd. 
Trial period of total video converter is 15 days.

Then you should set day between 2009 may 4th to 2009 may14th as the date.

Finally You should create desktop icon. Type a name for your trial version software(3) 
and click button (4) to create desktop shortcut

 Number (3) is your system calendar. You can%u2019t change it. View only

If Software has desktop or startup folder shortcuts delete them and never 
use start menu link to open software.

(Because after trial period accidentally click old desktop icon or start menu icon trial 
period of
some software will be permanently over.)

Note- This software is only for educational purposes and please do support the software
authors to purchasing the software which you really want Time Stopper not for all trial
versions of the world.

Lock Folder Without Any Software

Friends Now you can lock any folder with this script without need of any software.
Just copy the below script and copy to notepad.
Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

After copy save it and write name as Locker.bat

[Suppose this file is save in My Document]
After open this batch file (Locker.bat).
You will see a new automatically created folder name as Private. 
Copy your all secure data to this folder.
Now back to the My Document. To lock the Folder open Locker.bat file
and u will see new ms-dos window and asking you as

>> Are you sure want to lock the folder <Y/N>
Type Y and press enter to lock the folder.

To unlock the folder again open Locker.bat and it asking u as

>>Enter password to unlock the folder
Type password and press enter your private folder is being shown.

To change password edit this line in script.
Line no. 24

if NOT %pass%== password goto FAIL

Change password to any word you like. For example shaikh.

if NOT %pass%== shaikh goto FAIL.

GET 100rs. Talk time Per Month on your Mobile Free

Friends, if want to get 100rs. per month on your mobile do this.
And you sure get free talk time of Rs. 100/month.
I got one time and this software is running in my mobile.

[1] Register on www.smartphonemate.com  or open this link
     in mobile browser  http://bit.ly/2valentine

[2] Download & install the application on your phone memory
     not in memorry card.

CONDITION: its neccesery that you must keep the application
 installed in your mobile about minimum 22days of every Months.

Exclusive Free Internet On PC With Airtel Tata Docomo & Idea

Friends first of all i say u that this trick is 100000% tested by me and is working sure.

First go to this website and download software namely PD-Proxy.

To Download CLICK HERE.

Then u need an account to use this software. So u must need to sign up.


Then confirm your account by going to your email id which u provided in sign up.

Now open your download software which have file extension .zip
i.e the downloades file name is like this PD-Proxy_0.1.9.7.zip

Now open This ZIP file and extract it to desktop or you like there.

Now open the extracted folder and open PD-Proxy.exe

Enter your username and password there.

Now select server and protocol as demo server and besides UDP .

Now connect ur mobile through this APN >>>>>>>

APN- airtelgprs.com  (balance must be less than 0.30rs if above it deduct)

>>Tata Docomo<< 
APN- tata.docomo.internet  (Balance must be above 1rs.)

APN- internet

After connecting open PD-Proxy and click on connect.
When you show message like this pd proxy is connected. Happy Browsing !

Now Friends start browsing and downloading with any browser you like

I tested on Airtel and Tata Docomo sim and is working. Speed is also good.


Keyboard Disco Light

1. Open notepad.

2. Copy and paste the code below into the notepad


Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"


3. Save the file with name disco.vbs

4. Double click on the saved file and your keyboard Led’s will start blinking like disco lights.

5. To stop the disco lights open task manager. You can open task manager by doing a right click on your taskbar and then selecting task manager. >>> then Processes

6. Now locate wscript.exe and select it. Click on “ End Process “.

Make a Folder Invisible By Simple Trick

First of all you need to rename a folder/file that you want to hide.

For this,

Right click on file and select 'rename'

Then press & hold Alt and type 0160 in the name box. 

(Remember when you press & holding Alt and type 
the word "0160" the screen doesn't display the type 
word and can't type their. But you still type when you 
type 0160 and hit enter the folder name will become 

Voilaa! you will see a file with no name.

Now next step is to make it invisible.

For this again right click on file -> Properties -> Customize -> change icon.

Now browse through given icons and select icon with no image.


Easy Way To Make Windows XP Genuine


1. start

2. run

3. regedit


5. software

6. microsoft

7. windows NT

8. current version

9. WPAEvents

0. double click 00BETimer

1. select all and delete

2. FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD

3. right click on WPAEvents

4. permissions

5. system

6. deny full control

7. apply

8. yes

9. ok

Hard Format Nokia Symbian Mobile Phones

Format Nokia Symbian Mobile Phones

Quite some times back we did mention a simple tips on how to self clean virus on Symbian phone that will hard reset your mobile device to its factory default condition but in case the security code, which is required before you can proceed to hard reset your mobile device has been changed (default one is 12345) and you cannot recall the right one, here is another useful code that can be used to hard reset your mobile phone to original factory condition without worrying about the security code correctness.

For the start, make sure the phone is in OFF condition. On the phone keypad, press and hold down the key ‘3’, ‘*’ and ‘Talk’ buttons simultaneously, then followed by a power ON button press. Wait for few seconds until a ‘formatting’ word appeared on the mobile screen and then release the buttons. The whole process will take less than one minute with the progress bar showing the status of formatting. Again be cautious that by doing these combination button press you are actually doing a deep hard reset on your mobile, which also means it will erase everything including your profile, personal data and put the phone back to factory default setting.

This is especially useful whenever your symbian mobile phone is experiencing software instability due to virus infection or installed applications and without costing you any cent, the simple tips will help you recover them in simple steps. 

Put AdSense between posts

AdSense have always stressed that the most effective position for ads are within content, so when I found out you can insert AdSense between posts directly via the LAYOUT, I immediately thought I could insert the ads in the middle of a post, which is impossible to do up to now. Unfortunately, that insert ads in between 2 posts, not in the midddle of a post, something I had been trying to do for a long time. You can actually do this by messing with the template. Refer to Incorporate AdSense within the content (click BACK button to get back to this page).

The way to do direct from Blogger LAYOUT it is very simple. Sign into Blogger, which will get you into the Dashboard with a list of all the blogs you have in that Blogger account. In the section for "Blog posts", usually in the middle of the LAYOUT (may be in a slightly different position if you use non-standard Blogger templates):

Click EDIT (highlighted with a red circle). You will get a "Configure Blog Posts" "pop-up". 
Tick "Show ads between posts", select your format by clicking on the down arrow or just leave it as the default half-banner and chose you ad colors or just leave it as the default "Blend Template" which is advisable (all 3 highlighted with red circles).

Then just scroll down and click "Save Changes". Now you don't have to worry about violating AdSense policy as this is done via cooperation between Google AdSense and Google Blogger. However, if you want the AdSense withing the post, you will still have to depend on the hack described in Incorporate AdSense ads within posts and wrap text around them (click BACK button to get back to this page.

The only thing to note is that if you had applied for your AdSense account direct from Blogger, there is nothing extra to do. If you have got your AdSense account via some other means, and this is the first time you are adding AdSense ads direct from Blogger, you may be asked to grant Blogger access to your AdSense account, which I believe is perfectly safe to do so.

One final thing. Just to make sure that the ads have the same publisher's ID, at the blog with the ads between posts, I click VIEW > PAGE SOURCE to see the page source of that webpage, and this is what I found:

The "pub-12345....." was the same as my AdSense publisher ID (figure altered for security) thus assuring the ads displayed are actually "mine".

AdSense Tip: How to Increase AdSense CTR

An increase in CTR can mean a lot to AdSense Revenue. To increase AdSense revenue, you have to either increase the traffic or CTR. If somehow, you manage to triple your CTR just by tweaking the Google AdSense code, you can get three times more traffic. Here are a few tips for increasing your CTR.


- What Google AdSense Engineers say about CTR
- What Webmasters have concluded about CTR
- Traffic and its effects on CTR
- Experiments with CTR


- An email conversation with a Google Engineer:
“Due to the dynamic nature of Google AdSense, fluctuations in your revenue will occur. Your earnings will depend on a number of factors, including the types of ads being served to your pages, the cost per click or cost per impression of these ads, and your users' click through selections. Regarding ad placement - the best ad format varies from page to page. We've observed that, in general, wider ads perform better because of their reader-friendly format. We strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on ad placement. Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them. You'll find that the most optimal ad position isn't always what you expect on certain pages.”

- Google Optimization Guide:
For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the article tends to perform better. It's almost as if the users finish reading and asking themselves, “What can I do next?” Precisely targeted ads are just like answering their questions.


Webmasters have diverse views on how to increase CTR. It largely depends upon the keywords you are targeting, look of your website, quality of its content, placement of AdSense ads, page optimization, and various other factors. Generally, AdSense blocks wrapped between the quality content works the best. For the websites having poor quality content, placing the Ads before the start of the content works well.
If you develop a poor quality content website, it will likely give you high CTR and clicks, but you will be getting low priced ads. Besides, nobody will like to add your URL to their favorites. However, if you have quality content that keeps the visitors glued, you may get low CTR, but you will be getting high priced ads and regular visitors.

Proper positioning of ads on your website has direct impact on your CTR. Change the location of the ads and watch the changes in your CTR regularly. Try to locate the area of the page where the focus of the visitor can be. Generally, AdSense ads near the quality content or other crucial areas like navigation bar tend to perform better. But it really depends upon the keywords you are targeting, and the traffic you have.


AdSense comes after traffic. No traffic, no AdSense. Take good care of your traffic. Your visitors expect some valuable information from you. Make sure you are providing quality content to them. This will increase your visitors’ return back ratio. And only those visitors who are less targeted, will return to the content you are providing. More targeted users mean more CTR. 85% of my visitors add my website URLs in their favorites. And they do return.

Install a website stats monitoring software and regularly look at your web logs. Identify where exactly is the traffic coming from. Try to establish a pattern or relation between your AdSense stats and traffic stats. This will help you analyze the reasons for any marked deviations in the inflow of traffic. This will give you new ideas to develop traffic.


Experiment and experiment a lot, till you are satisfied with the tweaks you have done to achieve the highest CTR. Track your page performance by making channels of ads in your AdSense Control Panel. Keep experimenting till you are satisfied with your CTR. Though, every such experiment will make you lose money for a day or two, as Google may take time to adjust with new changes, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

Adsense Secrets: Getting More Clicks on Your Ads

More CTR (Click Thru Ratio) means more clicks on your Google Ads. But, is CTR all about position and colors of your ads? No! It's a lot more than that. CTR also depends upon the quality of traffic, relevancy of ads, and even the subject of your website. Let's get in detail:


Yes! CTR varies from Industry to industry too. It depends upon the keywords you are using to make your web page. It has been observed that more technical the topic is (but not necessarily) less CTR it will give you (for example Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Network - exceptions are always there), but still works if the Ad content is well written.

However, this is only one condition; there are many undiscovered conditions that affect the CTR of keywords. At times, a particular season also has an effect on the performance of keywords. For example family of 'Turkey recipe' keyword is more active around November and December only and a quite sluggish rest of the year. It becomes really necessary to study the behavior of keywords before starting a massive website of Adsense around a topic.


Google heat map helps improve the CTR (Clicks Thru Ratio) of your website by suggesting you the most converting areas for your Adsense Ads. You can have a glance at the Google's Survey that illustrates the ideal placements of ads on your web page.

Darker the area, better will be the performance of your ads. Your visitor tends to click on these darker areas more often than the other areas of the web page. Ads placed near rich content usually do well because users are focused on those areas of your web page. For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the concluding part of high quality content tend to perform well, as the visitors are left with no other choice except clicking the Ad block.


Traffic that is interested in your content (also called targeted traffic) is interested in your ads too. Thus, there is every likelihood that your ads will be clicked more frequently. Targeted traffic means more CTR, more earnings, and enhanced ad convertibility. On the other hand, the untargeted visitors are not interested either in your content or your ads, so keep your website's traffic targeted.

You can gather highly targeted traffic for your website by web promotion strategy and effective optimization of your web page structure. Effective web promotion strategy requires an appropriate Anchor text and more back links from relevant websites. And, to develop an effective web page structure, you have to optimize your Title Text, internal linking of your website, and most importantly your web content, in the best possible manner.


Choosing the right anchor text for back links promotes your website to the traffic you exactly need from the search engines. Choose the Anchor text that directly speaks to your visitors and pulls the traffic that your web page requires. Targeted traffic results in increased CTR of ads. It helps promote your website to that segment of traffic, which is precisely searching for your content (or you can say the traffic that is most profitable to you). Targeting irrelevant keyword reduces your CTR by gathering the traffic which is not interested in your content or ads.


Title text of your webpage appears in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) as the Title link to your web page. Therefore, it is the title Text that directly speaks to the surfer on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) about your content's theme. It acts like a Free Advertisement Link to your website. If your title text does not interest the surfer, you lose considerable amount of much-needed traffic. Figure out a Title text that directly communicates with your potential visitors, brings targeted traffic, and enhances the CTR of your AdSense Ads. Don't overdo your title text, and use less than ten keywords in your title text.


There are many on-page and off-page elements that affect your ad relevancy. Better targeted ads increase both your CTR and EPC. Here is how to optimize your ads:


If there is NO CONTENT on your web page, the Google Mediabot will consider the Meta Tags while displaying ads. Meta tags have a considerable affect on the relevancy of your ads. It is advised never to leave this space empty. Also, try to make it as easy as possible for Mediabot to understand the theme of your web page.


Google Mediabot gives good weightage to the keywords used in the Title text, which in turn gets reflected in your ads. Choose effective keywords for your Title text. Even the order of words in a keyword can affect the ads that are appearing on your web page. So, choose your keywords wisely.


Google Mediabot gives importance to the Heading text enclosed in


Now, you can enhance Ad relevancy by using Google's Section targeting. Using this technique you can advise Google mediabot about the areas of your content which should be considered or ignored while matching the Ads with your content.

For more information on the same topic, visit:

For more information on the same topic, visit:

For more information on the same topic, visit:


Try to relate your traffic logs with your CTR stats. You will get to know which Traffic source is giving you what CTR. This will help you recognize the traffic segment which is most converting for your website. Channels allow you to analyze your ads' performance, so that you can pin point the changes that your website needs to boost your AdSense income. There are two types of channels available - URL Channels and Custom Channels. You can use the URL channel to track your performance, without modifying your Ad code. Through URL channels, you can analyze the performance of individual page or a group of pages, based on the directory system of your website.

Custom channels can help you measure the performance of different Ad formats presented in your web pages. And, by pasting channel-specific ad code into your pages, you can track CTR, Impressions, number of clicks each individual ad format is generating, and compare its performance with other web pages.


There are many junk websites that might be displaying ads on your website. These websites steal the traffic from your website and recycle it on their own Adsense ad blocks. Recognize such websites and stick them in Adsense Competitive Ad filter. Also, you can block your competitor websites using this competitive filter.

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

How to Avoid Having Your AdSense Accout Banned for Click Fraud

If you trawl through the AdSense message boards you can’t help but come across tales of woe from AdSense publishers that have had their account banned by Google. 
Below is a list of ways people have been banned from AdSense and information on how to avoid it happening to you.

Don’t click on your own ads
The obvious one but still people do it. Google has the IP address of the computer/s that you’ve used to create and check your AdSense account. If it sees that this IP address clicks one of your ads you’re in trouble.
Don’t do it. It’s theft. Not from Google but from the AdWords advertisers.
If you want to go to a site advertised by one of your ads don’t click on it look at the URL of the advertising site at the bottom of the ad and type it into your browser.
If you click on one accidentally (which does happen) you’re probably be ok but it’s worth dropping a quick email to Google with an explanation and apology
Don’t log in to AdSense from a shared computer.
As I said above Google keeps a record of every machine IP address used to look at your account. If you check your stats on a machine then someone else clicks on your ads from the same machine Google sees this as click fraud. Worth bearing in mind when thinking of checking your stats from somewhere like an Internet Café.
Don’t log in to your AdSense account from work.
Apart from getting in trouble with the company that employs you there’s also a further real risk. Most companies use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server with ONE IP ADDRESS. Therefore you checking your ads from work means this proxy IP address being recorded by Google as one that you use. Problem is if there are 1000 people in your company it is the same IP address for them too. Google can’t differentiate between you and the other 999 employees in your company. If one of these 999 clicks on one of your ads it’s ban time.
Don’t get into a ‘I’ll click your ads if you click mine’ agreement with another Webmaster.
As above Google will have your IP address and that of every AdSense publisher. If they see these IP addresses consistently clicking on each other ads it’s goodbye for both of you.
Don’t tell friends and family.
Telling friends and family about your money making websites can lead to problems. Even if you tell them not to click on your ads there’s always the chance that Auntie Maud will think it’s a good idea to make some extra money for her favourite nephew. 100 clicks later from the same visitor and your account is screaming ‘Click Fraud’.
Receiving clicks from illegal traffic
Check the AdSense TOS for sources of traffic that aren’t allowed by Google. These include methods like Traffic exchange, PTC advertising, Auto surf etc.
Do monitor your visitor and AdSense figures
Check your account at least once a day. If you see a massive spike coupled with a massive increase in Page CTR investigate using your visitor stats website. If you see it’s all come from the same IP address you could have been the victim of a malicious attack – inform Google via email and offer them access to your logs. 

Shutdown Trick !

Imidiate rapid shut down window
while shutting down window. open task manager(Ctr+Alt+Del),
Select shut down tab. and press ' Ctrl ' key while select Turn Off from dis tab.
Count 5 4 3 2 1 Voila!!! U r window will rapidly shut down.

Speed Up Ur Shut down !!

Start Regedit.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control.
Click on the "Control" Folder.
Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"
Right click on it and select Modify.
Set it a value lower than 2000 (Mine is set to 200)

and !

Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown windows xp when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. to solve this problem you
must disable this useless sound. click start button then go to settings -> control panel -> Sound,Speech and Audio devices -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds, then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and highlight it.now from sounds you can select,choose "none" and then click apply and ok. now you can see some improvements when shutting down your system.

**new **

Tip To Fix a Missing File In Windows XP

If you see this following message on windows startup
windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the orginal setup CD-rom.
Selet "r" a the first sreen to start repair

It very easy to fix the problem.
do not format your partition or install Windows XP. Just follow my instruction

1. Boot up from the WindowsXP CD (use the original instead the slipstream version).
2. in the screen "Welcome to Setup" press R to start the Recovery Console > press "R"
3. enter number to select your WindowsXP installed drive >press Enter.
4. enter Administrator password >press Enter
5. you will see command promt "c:\windows>" then type the command like bellow
6. c:\windows>cd \system32\config\ >press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>del system press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>del software press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>del sam press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>del security press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>del default press Enter
c:\windows\system32\config>cd .. press Enter
c:\windows\system32>cd .. press Enter
c:\windows>cd repair press Enter
c:\windows\repair> copy system c:\windows\system32\config press Enter
c:\windows\repair> copy software c:\windows\system32\config press Enter
c:\windows\repair> copy sam c:\windows\system32\config press Enter
c:\windows\repair> copy security c:\windows\system32\config press Enter
c:\windows\repair> copy default c:\windows\system32\config press Enter
c:\windows\repair>EXIT press Enter

The computer will restart. the problem fixed!!!

Tip to Speed up the Internet Connection

1. start>Run>type gpedit.msc >press Enter

2. "Group Policy" windows will appear

3. select Computer Configaration >Administrative 

4. look for the right windows find "QoS Packet Scheduler"

5. Double click on "Limit reservable bandwidth"

6. you will see "Limit resolvable bandwidth Properties"

7. select "Setting" tab then click on "Enable"

8. in the " bandwidth limit (%) : " change value to 0

9. Then Cilck OK


Freeup or Clean RAM Using Notepad

System speed. Sometimes the process which have executed but are not required by the OS are stored on the RAM. So, we can remove or freeup the RAM with unused junk data to Speedup the System or processing speed.
We can clean the RAM just by using a Notepad application. This donot require any advanced software. The process to do so is as follows.

Open Notepad
save it as “CleanRAM.vbs” on desktop
Note: Type the name of file along with inverted commas
Run the file and your RAM may be free.
Of course you can edit the code in the file for a greater “cleaning-progress”.
For example:

Install Windows xp in less than 15 minutes

Now, this tip will be very helpful for those who frequently install windows xp operating system. Normally OS installation takes around 40 minutes to complete, but through this trick you can now save 10-15 minutes. This simple tricks goes this way.

1. Boot through Windows XP CD.
2. After all the files are completely loaded, you get the option to select the partition. Select “c”.
3. Now Format the partition, whether it is normal or quick with NTFS or FAT
4. Once the formatting is completed, All the setup files required for installation are copied. Restart your system by pressing Enter.
Now, here begins the Simple trick to save 10-15 minutes.
5. After rebooting, you get a screen where it takes 40 minutes to complete or finalize the OS installation.
6. Now, Press SHIFT + F10 Key ->  This opens command prompt.
7. Enter “Taskmgr” at the command prompt window. This will open Task Manager.
8. Click the Process Tab, here we find a process called Setup.exe -> Right Click on Setup.exe -> Set Priority -> Select High or Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal.
Thats it, no more work to do. Relax your self and see how fast the installation process completes.

BSNL 2G 3G Free Internet Trick For All Mobile

BSNL Free 2g and 3G internet for All mobile.
Just Make New Setting as Below in ur mobile Phone.

apn - bsnlmms
proxy -
port - 8080

server online till midnight.
 Enjot ......


Friends Now u can watch live world cup streaming matches on your mobile & PC. Just go to following link.

Ten SportsLink1-rtsp://
Ten Cricket Link1-rtsp://
Ten Cricket Link2-rtsp://
Neo Cricket-rtsp://livetv.wdsap.ricinfo.com/1100_5125.sdp
Espn Link1-rtsp://
Star Cricket-rtsp://
for PC user:- 1)http://www.espnstar.com/cwclive/ 2}http://www.cricket-365.info


Hi Friends, I have found a new airtel trick. The trick is to surf Facebook and chat on Facebook (full site ). REQUIREMENTS-
1) PC (its a PC trick)
2) Mozilla Firefox new version or
3) ENOUGH BALANCE TO LOGIN TO FACEBOOK ONE TIME and then Balance less than 30 paisa. For eg.
YOU may have around 1 rupee in the beginning. 4) Access point : airtelgprs.com or mobile office settings I am writing../.. PLEASE WAIT Trick-

1) Using paid GPRS first log on to Facebook.com full site. Let the full site be displayed including the chat box.
2)Now save the web page as complete web page. (assuming you know how to save the web page.)
3)Now when your balance is less than 30 paise(YOUR PAID GPRS PLAN HAS FINISHED), just open that web page. YOU will see that you are able to chat and get latest (new) notifications. You can update your status, upload photos.

Tricks To Post Colorful Scrap In ORKUT

Hi Friends. I wish all of u use google socializing site namely ORKUT.

Now u can write colorful scraps in orkut & u can post to ur friends.

Here is the procedure to do this:

*   Write your message/scrap/ in community or scrapbook
*   Copy paste the code below in your browser and then press enter.
*   You will see change in the message you wrote,
     Press Submit

javascript:cor=new Array(’aqua’,’blue’,’fuchsia’,’gold’,’gray’,
silver’,’teal’,’violet’,’yellow’ ); varz=0;
txt=document.getElementsByTagName(’textarea’)[0]; txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,”§$1″);
txt.value =txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi,” “); for(y=0;y

Tricks to Change Ur Run Time IP

Hey friends you can change your run time
IP by this amazing trick.
Try this trick for hack rapidshare daily download limit.
Try this,

First Go to Start and click on Run or
Simply press Windows Key + R (shortcut).
Now typr cmd in it. and press enter.
You can see ms-dos mode will appear in your pc.
When u connect on internet.
Type ipconfig/realese.
Its command realese ur ip in runtime.
Its command relase it.
For rebuilt this. Do that type ipconfig/renew.
Its cmd line rebuilt ur new ip on realtime surfing.

2011 AirTel Free GPRS Tricks both for Mobile & PC

Trick for free surfing but now with resume downloading on PC and MOBILE with
default browser and internet browser,,,
Speed is super fast than any other proxies...its capable to hold cache so its cache
capable proxies with mind blowing speed FOR PC and Mobile:

Just connect ur mobile with PC via PC suite , put
apn as airtelgprs.com or connect with Mobile office Setting.

Now open any browser(i recommended Mozilla Firefox or opera for resume downloading) and put address as ( or GOTO )

surfing site NAME without

HTTP for example:

there are many appspot

proxies working with our dis ip use any of the below: url without http url without http url without http url without http url without HTTP

when u will go to download page or tab just click the left button and copy the download link and paste it into below site

(But remember remove the from download link ) and paste the rest original url in the search box of the below site

(Please open it in new tab)

so its nothing but to surf via goggle app spot proxy engine and resume downloading via .de german proxy domain

If u have internet download manager then it gives high speed with resume support.